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5 Things to Know About The World

Kyla McInally | Husky Howl | November 4th, 2019

Teens who are suing Canada over climate change

15 teens and children are currently claiming that the government has violated their rights to life, liberty and security of the person. Rights which everyone is guaranteed under Section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They claim that the high greenhouse gas emissions and climate change are violating these rights. One of the 15 plaintiffs has said, “I am suing the Canadian government because its inactions are costing me my health and my future.” The lawsuit revolves around the fact that the Canadian government has continued to contribute to greenhouse gas emissions despite knowing its harm to people and the environment. In the claim they outline how climate related issues have affected them, including freedom issues, health issues, and home damages. The goal of this lawsuit is not financial gain but for the government to create a climate recovery plan. These teens and children are wasting no time and are determined to create a better future for Canada and the planet.

Massive typhoon devastates Japan

In Tokyo and large parts of central and eastern Japan, typhoon Hagibis has devastated much of the country. On Saturday October 12th the typhoon left at least 19 dead, 18 missing and over 140 injured. It has caused millions in damages and will no doubt go down in Japan's history for its devastating impacts. It has been one of Japan's worst typhoons in 60 years, with winds that reached up to 260km/h and over 3ft of rain that devastated the nation. This typhoon is leaving a massive trail of destruction behind it.

Ancient mummies have been discovered in Egypt

30 ancient wooden coffins were found in Luxor, Egypt. All coffins containing mummies, and all in perfectly preserved and untouched conditions. The 3,000 year old coffins have been described as "exceptionally well-preserved, exceptionally well-colored" by Egyptian Minister of Antiquities Khaled El-Enany. The Egyptian archaeologist team discovered the coffins in a mound of sand and it is the biggest find of its kind in more than a century. The coffins contained men, women and children believed to be from the middle class. The discoveries of mummified children is incredibly rare and has caused worldwide interest in this new discovery. This new discovery will continue to aid researchers with understanding ancient Egyptian burial rights and for their respect of the dead regardless of gender or age. The coffins will be moved to the Grand Egyptian Museum after being restored.

Protests in Chile

Hundreds of people have been shot and beaten in Chile's recent anti-government protests. Hospitals are filling up as more and more people are injured. The protests have left 19 dead and hundreds injured. Hospital staff are now working 24 hour shifts as thousands of soldiers patrol the streets because of a strict military curfew, which made it dangerous for hospital staff to commute. The lack of medical resources are also having a large effect on the victims. Thousands can be seen protesting in Santiago against social inequality (seen right). The protests are largely due to a raise in the Metro de Santiago subway's fare, increased cost of living, and prevalent inequality in the country.

Trump’s impeachment inquiry

US House launches official impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. Trump is being investigated because of claims that he abused his presidential power by pressuring the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son. He allegedly withheld federal military aid from Ukraine in order to make it happen. It was allegedly done in order to help Trump’s re-election. Concern was sparked after a phone call between Trump and the Ukrainian president after Trump ordered a freeze in military aid. Trump has denied all charges except that he blocked the funds which were later released.


Democracy Now! “15 Children Sue Canada over Climate Change.” Democracy Now!, 29 Oct. 2019,

Elassar, Alaa. “Egypt Unveils Discovery of 30 Ancient Coffins with Mummies Inside.” CNN, Cable News Network, 21 Oct. 2019,

Franklin, Jonathan. “Chile: Protesters Light Bonfires and Clash with Police despite Cabinet Reshuffle.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 28 Oct. 2019,

Franklin, Jonathan. “Hundreds Shot and Beaten as Chile Takes to the Streets.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 27 Oct. 2019,

Hunter, Molly, et al. “Egypt Uncovers 3,000-Year-Old Mummies in the Valley of the Kings.”, NBCUniversal News Group, 20 Oct. 2019,

“Nilsen, Ella, et al. “9 Things Everyone Should Know about the Impeachment Process.” Vox, Vox, 9 Oct. 2019,

Nilsen, Ella, et al. “9 Things Everyone Should Know about the Impeachment Process.” Vox, Vox, 9 Oct. 2019,

Seucharan, Cherise. “They've Faced Asthma, Allergies and Lyme Disease - Meet the Teens Who Are Suing Canada over Climate Change.”, 25 Oct. 2019,

Simon Denyer, Akiko Kashiwagi. “Nineteen Dead, 16 Missing in Japan after Typhoon Hagibis Drenches Tokyo .” The Washington Post, WP Company, 13 Oct. 2019,


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