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Transition Into High School

| Author | Stacy Salinas | Nov 4th, 2019 |

Welcome to the advice column! In this section of the newspaper, we want you to be as open as you’d like. Don’t be afraid to reach out to us and ask for our advice, chances are we went through what you’re going through right now. Since it is a new school year, this month we’re going to focus on everyone new at Hayden and starting 9th grade. We’re going to cover the questions that many of you may already ask yourselves and hope that it helps!

Q: All my friends from 8th grade have new friends groups and I don’t have anyone to have lunch with anymore. How do I make new friends?

A: Woah! This reminds me of my first year! Starting at a new school full of people you don’t know is the scariest thing ever, but honestly it shouldn’t be something that scares us away. One thing you really have to do is get yourself outside of your comfort zone. In order to get out there and approach others you have to get out of your shell. The best way to make new friends is to join clubs. Go meet people who have the same interests as you! Remember that all the friends you enter high school with won’t necessarily be the same friends you leave high school with. Some might stay around and you’ll be friendly with each other, but everyone changes and sometimes people move on. It’ll take you time but real friends will find you and stick by you. Don’t be afraid to be the first one to say hi!

Q:All of my friends are telling me that grade 9 doesn’t matter so I should stop obsessing over my grades. Are they right?

A: Everyone has different views and opinions, but think of it this way; If you start to get yourself in the habit of working hard and knowing how to manage your time, by the time grade 11 and 12 roll around, you won’t be struggling to come up with a plan on how to do things. By that time you’ll already know your struggles and skills and you’ll plan your time based off of those experiences. It’s totally okay to care about school and your grades in grade 9. There is nothing wrong with that. At the end of the day this is your choice and your future. Not anyone else's, so stick to your heart and what you want. Don’t be afraid to show what you’re capable of!

Q: My best friend hasn’t talked to me because I decided to hang out with someone different I met last week for lunch. What should I do?

A: Don’t let drama control your life! Stay far away from drama. Before it gets any worse, talk to your best friend. Put yourself in her shoes. Maybe she’s afraid of losing that bond you have or maybe she’s simply jealous and that’s alright but she should also understand that it is okay to have more than just one friend. A possible solution to all of this is to simply introduce them to each other! Maybe you will all end up getting along. You never know unless you try and give it a go. If you’re going to put yourself in her shoes, ask her to do the same for you and remember that everyone’s feelings are valid. There is no right or wrong, you two just need to work it out and with time it’ll all be better. Don’t lose patience or hope in the friendship!

We hope that you found something useful and/or took something away from it! Make sure to check in next month as we will be focusing on stress and university for all our seniors! If you have a question you’d like advice on just simply fill out the google form provided for you at the bottom of the page!


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